Aim Hire 2023 Feedback Survey

Thank you for attending the Aim Hire Workforce and Education Conference! We value your feedback, and we will use it to improve next year's event. Please let us know how we did by answering the questions below. This is an anonymous survey, but we do ask that you identify your role in the education, policy, or business sector.
1.On a scale of one to five, with five being the highest rating, please rate each of the following plenary sessions.(Required.)
Not Sure / Did Not Attend
Opening Remarks with Chancellor Gardner & Interim State Superintendent Woolard
Impact of Artificial Intelligence & Disruptive Technology
Lunch, Business Education Partnerships & Remarks from Lt. Governor Jon Husted
Ohio’s Regional Talent Challenges: Plenary Discussion
Addressing Regional Talent Needs: Strategy Workshops
2.On a scale of one to five, with five being the highest rating, please rate the learning session you attended during round one of the learning sessions.(Required.)
Not Sure / Did Not Attend
Building Critical Career Pathways
Exploring Flexible Work-Based Learning Models
Al in Education: What Educators Need to Know
Virtual Reality in Education and Training
Economic Return on Postsecondary Education
Experience Virtual Reality Technology
3.On a scale of one to five, with five being the highest rating, please rate the learning session you attended during round two of the learning sessions.(Required.)
Not Sure / Did Not Attend
Career Pathways: Electric Vehicles (EV) and Advanced Manufacturing
Career Pathways: Broadband and 5G Infrastructure
Career Pathways: Construction
Career Pathways: IT/Healthcare
Career Pathways: Agriculture
Experience Virtual Reality Technology
4.On a scale of one to five, with five being the highest rating, please rate each of the following overall elements of the conference.(Required.)
Not Sure
Overall Rating of the Conference
Conference Content 
Conference Logistics
Conference Location
Conference Meal & Beverages
5.Did you learn something new at the conference that will influence your work?(Required.)
6.Optional: Please share what from the conference will be influencing your work in the box below.
7.Optional: Is there anything we could have done to improve your conference experience?
As a small nonprofit and the sole funder of Aim Hire, Ohio Excels is looking at ways to support future Aim Hire conferences. One option we are considering is charging for tickets.
8.Do you or your organization pay for the cost to attend conferences?(Required.)
9.If there was a price of admission for next year's Aim Hire conference, what do you believe would be a fair ticket price?(Required.)
10.Please select the option that best describes your sector.(Required.)