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The Services Union- Feedback Survey re: Your Enterprise Bargaining Agreement.

Your Enterprise Bargaining Agreement determines your pay and conditions, and if you care about having a fair say in things like roster changes and/or workplace change in the future- we need your feedback in this survey.

Negotiations for a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) continue, but we don't think we are truly being heard.

In making a new EBA, we had agreed to include provisions for consultation to address future roster changes and significant change i.e. restructures. The easiest way to do this would be for EF to agree to attach the principles and guidelines that have been established over the past 24 month Roster Realignment process, and the commitments we have within existing memorandums of understanding (MOUs). However, EF Management has not agreed to this, instead- they have insisted on negotiating a new clause that has resulted in protracted discussions.

We as your Union Bargaining Team do not believe EF has a good track record when it comes to consultation and managing change. We do not trust their verbal promises of genuine and fair consultation in the future. Do you trust EF to stand by their words and intentions if they won't commit to putting it in writing in your EBA? We don't think you can!

We want to hear directly from you! Please provide your honest feedback, as we will NOT be providing your details to EF. We will provide them with collective feedback we receive in this survey- but it will be completely deidentified. We're one team you can trust! Please take a couple of minutes to fill out this survey, as your pay and conditions often depend on member participation. Thank you! In Solidarity- The Services Union, Queensland.

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* 1. Its very important that we have the following information should we need to contact you in moving forward.

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* 2. What area of Endeavour do you work in?

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* 3. To give us context to your answers, please provide your job tile, work suburb and approximately how long you have worked at Endeavour. For example- Support Worker, Smith st, Darra, 3 yrs.

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* 4. Do you think you can trust Endeavour Management to do what they say they will if it isn't a written requirement in your EBA?

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* 5. How do you rate Endeavour in their ability to consult about roster changes.
If your role does not require you to work to a roster please select N/A

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* 6. How do you rate Endeavour in their ability to manage change, things like restructures and job requirements?

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* 7. In the past 2 years when you were impacted by a change in roster or a workplace change, did you seek the assistance of any of the following due to the stress you experienced:

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* 8. Have you considered leaving Endeavour over the past year?

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* 9. Please select from below any of the reasons that may have prompted you to consider leaving Endeavour over the past two years:

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* 10. What keeps you working at Endeavour

0 of 10 answered