Copy of Sunshine Coast Community Services Society Organization Wide Participate/Client Survey

SCCSS Evaluation Survey 2024

The purpose of this survey is to collect feedback on how well Sunshine Coast Community Services is meeting the needs of our community. Your feedback is vital to our programs’ growth and improvement. We welcome your comments and suggestions for improving our services. Your contribution will be anonymous unless you would like to share your name and contact at the end of the survey.
1.Which of our Community Service program/s do you access?(Required.)
2.How did you find out about our programs?
3.How long did you have to wait to receive your first call back or contact from the program?
4.How happy or unhappy are you with how you were welcomed by Community Services?
5.Overall, how would you rate the quality of your experience with Community Services?
6.How could we make it easier for you to access and participate in our programs?
7.Are you aware SCCSS has a complaint process?
8.Has your quality of life improved by participating in Community Services programs?
9. Please share any other comments you have below:
10.May we quote you anonymously?
11.Can we contact you for more feedback?