Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following on scale from Very Low - Very High.

  Very Low Low Moderate High Very High None/Not at all
Effectiveness of conference communication
Your satisfaction with overall content of the conference
Overall value of the conference to you
Your participation in the meetings & events
Satisfaction with the food/refreshments provided

Question Title

* 2. Please comment on any of the above

Question Title

* 3. What was your BIGGEST TAKE-AWAY from the 2024 ConnectED Conference?

Question Title

* 4. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the 2024 ConnectED Conference or our PD and networking offerings in general?

Question Title

* 5. Did You Attend as a:

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate which sessions were the most valuable to you.

  Yes No Did not attend
Plenary: Career Exploration and Workforce Development
Breakout: Middle School Career Exploration
Breakout: Statewide Update: Middle School to Post-Secondary, How Are We Getting There?
Breakout: Are Boys Falling Behind? Findings from a Landscape Analysis
Breakout: Establishing Adjunct CTE Instructors in Your District
Breakout: Breaking Down Success into Grade-Level Checkpoints
Breakout: Introducing Paths of Opportunity, What It Will Take for All Young People to Thrive
Plenary: Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategies
Breakout: Florida's New Teacher Apprenticeship Program
Breakout: Innovation & Impact - Inside Breakthrough Miami's Teaching Fellowship
Breakout: Teacher Well-Being and Retention
Breakout: Exploring Teacher Workforce Housing Solutions
Breakout: Creating High School Pathways to Teaching
Breakout: Leveraging TOY Recognition as Teacher Leaders
Lunch with 2025 Teacher of the Year, Grant Presentations and Award
Plenary: Creating the Conditions to Advance Authentic Family and Community Engagement
Breakout: Results Based Approaches to Building Student Resiliency
Breakout: Unpacking Florida's K-12 Chronic Absenteeism
Breakout: Engaging Families and Communities in Literacy
Breakout: It Takes More Than Access - Building Digital Literacy Skills to Connect Families
Breakout: Supporting Families Through Community Partnership Schools
Breakout: Building the Capacity of Parents as Leaders and Advocates
Vendor Hall
Informal Networking Opportunities During Breaks