Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse seeks to be an Equal Opportunities employer and strives to ensure that in its provision of services in general, and as an employer, in particular, it will offer equality of opportunity for all persons regardless of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, marital status or social background.
In order to ensure that we can monitor implementation of this policy, all applicants are requested to complete this questionnaire. The information given will be retained anonymously by the Administration department for monitoring purposes. This information will not form part of any personal file and will be treated on a private and confidential basis.
Your help with this matter is very much appreciated. Please note that the categories listed are as defined by Arts Council England and do not necessarily correspond with the protected characteristics identified within the Equalities Act 2010.
We also ask where you heard about the post advertised, and finally, there are some questions relating to caring responsibilities that we are asking in relation to our support of the PiPA campaign (; again any information passed to them will be done so anonymously and in aggregate only.