FREE online mini talk (in Manx) and interactive games from Culture Vannin

Enjoy a Monsters of Manx Folklore themed talk, a Kahoot online quiz, and word games such as Taboo and Balderdash (in Manx, of course, but with help and guidance from games host Paul Rogers). Hosted by Culture Vannin. You can find out more about how to play Kahoot here.
Based on the activities involved, the event is aimed at adults but supervised children age 13+ are welcome to take part!

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with some basic contact details, so that we can get in touch with you with a link. *Please don't forget to check your sp@m folder in case our email ends up in there!*

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* 2. Where do you live? You don't need to be on the Isle of Man to take part, but we'd love to know who our event is reaching!

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* 3. How did you hear about the game night?

Gura mie mooar ayd - thank you very much for completing this survey! We'll be back in touch with you soon. 

You can find more Manx language resources via:

Culture Vannin is the trading name for the Manx Heritage Foundation, registered charity 333 in the Isle of Man.

You can find Culture Vannin's privacy policy here.