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* 1. How long have you been involved in this CoP?

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* 2. Over the past year, this CoP...

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
represents an area of interest to me and the projects I work on
has a clear focus
gives me a sense of belonging
helps me build relationships and network with others
benefits my daily work from the relationships established
motivates me to share work-related knowledge
builds an agreed set of communal resources over time
breaks down communication barriers among members
provides an informal, welcoming social environment
has a user-friendly communication platform
helps me achieve better results in projects and programs
captures and stores tacit and explicit knowledge so it can be easily accessed and applied

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* 3. The value of this CoP is that it ...

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* 4. What strongly limits your ability to participate in this CoP? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. Rank what would make you more likely to participate more in this CoP.

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* 6. What might be done to attract new members?

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* 7. How might this CoP better identify, create, store, share, and use knowledge?

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* 8. What other recommendations do you have to strengthen this CoP's effectiveness?

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* 9. Please list topics for future meetings.