KRA-R Translator Reimbursement Form

Ohio Department of Education

  • Please use this form to request reimbursement for translation services for the Ohio Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised (KRA-R).  
  • Please submit only one request per district per administration window for the KRA-R.
  • Detailed information about translating the KRA-R can be found in the Ready for Kindergarten Online (KReady) system.
  • Translation reimbursements are for half and full day rates.  Please wait until the end of the administration window to calculate the number of half and/or full days.
  • Districts are required to keep a complete record of all paid translators on file for audit by the Ohio Department of Education, should an audit become necessary.  
  • Please complete the entire form and click the "Done" button at the end to submit.  There will be no confirmation when the form is submitted.  The window will close.  You will receive a pdf of the submitted form for your records.  If you do not receive a pdf of your form within one week of when you submitted, please contact
  • Please direct questions regarding reimbursement to 
1.District name:(Required.)
2.District city and county(Required.)
3.District IRN:(Required.)
4.District phone:(Required.)
5.Contact person for translators:(Required.)
6.Form submitted by:(Required.)
7.Email address to contact:(Required.)
8.I requesting reimbursement for KRA-R for(Required.)
9.How many children received translation on the KRA-R?(Required.)
10.What were the languages used by the KRA-R translator(s)?(Required.)
Current Progress,
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