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NAS Meridian Leisure Needs Survey 2020
Please take a moment to help us make NAS Meridian a better place to Live, Work and Play! The survey has 21 questions, with an anticipated completion time of approximately 15 minutes if all questions are answered.
The vast majority of MWR resources are either allocated to subsidized programs based on CNIC Program Standards, or dictated by customer demand for unsubsidized fee-based programs.
The only required questions are demographic information and ranking facilities based on importance. The remaining questions help identify the importance of individual facilities, equipment and activities within program areas; it is highly recommended to take the time to submit for programs of interest to you.
This survey is an integral part of our strategic planning process. The purpose is to assist in local decision making for allocation of our limited discretionary resources, where emphasis should be placed for grant requests, and to aid in justification for future major project submissions.
This is not a performance survey; however, upon completion you will be provided a link to our various CNIC Customer Satisfaction surveys by program area if you would like to complete any!