Firstlinks: 2024 Reader Survey

1.Which of the following applies to you (select all that apply)?
2.Which age bracket applies to you?
3.Optional question: Gender
4.Have you invested or plan to invest in any of the following assets? (multiple choices accepted)
Currently invested
Plan to invest in next 12 months
No intention to invest
Don't know enough about this asset type
Listed investment companies (LICs)
Exchange traded funds (ETFs)
Lifetime or term annuities
Investment (insurance) bonds
Unlisted property trusts
Listed property (REITs)
Index (passive) managed funds
Active managed funds
Australian shares (direct)
Global shares (direct)
Infrastructure funds
Cash deposits
5.What is your opinion on the articles published in Firstlinks each week? (multiple choices accepted)
Agree for most articles
Varies week to week
Disagree for most articles
Depends on the subject
Easy to understand
Credible and professional
Useful for my own portfolio
Useful for my job
6.What makes Firstlinks different from other wealth and investment newsletters and websites?
7.What would you like Firstlinks to include more (or less) often?
Yes, regularly
No need
Stock picking
Macroeconomic forecasting
Superannuation and SMSFs
Retirement planning
Interest rates and central bank policy
Specific product analysis
8.How likely are you to refer a friend or colleague to Firstlinks?
9.Any other feedback? How can we make Firstlinks more useful to you? Do we focus on some subjects too much, or not enough? Any criticism, praise or other comments?