The Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force will compile these results and use them to inform the budget process. Thanks for your input.

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* 1. What is your role?  Check all that apply.

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* 2. Check all that apply:

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* 3. The next BHD/ Milwaukee County will be challenging due to decreases in revenue.  It is likely there will be difficult decisions and funding reductions.  In an environment where budget cuts will likely be required, what must be prioritized?  Please rank the following:

  High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Not sure
Residential Services
Community Support Program (CSP)
Targeted Case Management
Peer Support/ Peer delivered services
Mobile Crisis Teams
Crisis Assessment Response (CART) Teams
Team Connect
Benefits Counselling
Case management
Access Clinic Services
Crisis Resource Centers
Substance Use treatment - adults
Mental Health Services for youth
Substance Use treatment - youth
Jail Diversion and Re-entry Services
Employment services and supports
Supportive housing
Qualified deaf and culturally competent service providers
4. Given the budget challenges for Milwaukee County, including BHD, it would be helpful to get your ideas on how to save money, as well as ideas for new revenue.

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  • Do you have suggestions to improve efficiency?

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  • Any suggestions for saving dollars?

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  • Ideas for raising money or generating additional revenue?

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* 5. Milwaukee continues as the most segregated city in the country for African Americans, including disparities in access to mental health and substance user services and treatment.  Milwaukee County has made racial equity a key priority.   What actions can BHD take to address racial and ethnic equity?  Please rank these ideas and add your own:

  High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Not sure
Base BHD staff onsite at trusted community partners in diverse communities in high need neighborhoods.
Develop and implement a plan to increase the diversity of the mental health work force.
Establish an advisory board with representatives from diverse communities
Provide pilot grants for innovative projects to improve access for minority communities
Base family navigators and parent peer specialists at community agencies or schools in high needs areas.
Other ideas?

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* 6. Given the continuing public health concerns resulting from COVID-19, Milwaukee County is working to ensure continued access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment and services, as well as to maintain the health of providers and those receiving services.

Do you have any recommendations or concerns?

7. BHD administers many mental health and substance abuse services, in the community, crisis services, and inpatient.  Based on your experience:

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  • What is working well?

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  • What is in need of improvement?

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* 8. Are you willing to speak at a budget hearing? If so, please give your name, email and phone number in the next question and we will follow up with you.

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* 9. Optional:  Feel free to list your name and contact information.  This can be helpful if there are follow up questions on your comments.  This is optional.