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The Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport (YQM) is currently developing its 2024-2027 Accessibility Plan to assist in meeting its requirements under the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (ATPDR).

All responses provided through the Accessibility Survey form are anonymous. If you would like a representative from The Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport to follow-up with you in regard to your survey responses, please provide your contact information and preferred method of communication at the end of the survey.

If you have any technical issues or if you would like to review or complete the survey in an alternate format, please contact the Airport at or 1-506-856-5444, extension 6.

This survey will close on May 22, 2024, at 4pm.

Question Title

* 1. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
(3 questions in total for this section - question 1 of 3)

The Airport is committed to making information and communications accessible to persons with disabilities. This includes a commitment to ensuring both print and online information is accessible to employees and the public, including emergency and safety information and website content. The Airport is also committed to making every effort to provide information in alternate formats requested by people with disabilities.

Accessibility Goal
  • Create an online access location (e.g., employee information folder) to post accessibility resources, to ensure that all Airport employees have access to information on how to create content in accessible formats (for example, accessible Word, PowerPoint, and PDF documents).
  • Publish the Airport Accessibility Plan online, ensuring that each version meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA-level success criteria (or the most recent version of WCAG that is available in both English and French).
  • Ensure that Airport website accessibility is reviewed regularly and updated as needed to meet WCAG 2.1 AA-level success criteria (or the most recent version of WCAG that is available in both English and French).
  • Ensure that the planning schedule for preparation of public documents includes timing for the creation of accessible versions of content (particularly public-facing documents such as annual reports, statements, and financial information).
  • Provide resources to ensure that customer-facing airport employees are aware of the process to respond to public requests for information in alternate formats.
  • Ensure that new employee and customer software purchases include accessibility requirements and apply where possible, ensuring accommodation procedures are in place to provide similar access where software accessibility is not possible.
  • Ensure that closed captioning is available in public information videos posted online, in the languages used in original content.
  • Ensure that alt-text on images is available in public content posted online, in the languages used in original content.
  • Review the accessibility of the Airport public address (PA) and sound system to ensure that announcements and information are clearly audible.

Did you find the accessibility goals listed in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) section to be clear and understandable?

Question Title

* 2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
(Question 2 of 3)

Do you think the goals in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) section reflect actions that will help improve accessibility at the Airport?

Question Title

* 3. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
(Question 3 of 3)

If you responded 'No' to either question above about the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) section, have feedback about specific goals or would like to suggest additional goals related to this section, provide your feedback here.

Question Title

* 4. Information and Communication Technologies (other than ICT)
(3 questions in total for this section - question 1 of 3)

Airport management and staff are committed to maintaining and reviewing the Airport Accessibility Policy and Accessibility Plan annually. Reviewing the documents annually will help ensure that the Airport continues to work towards greater accessibility, diversity, and inclusion and accomplishes its accessibility goals as planned. It also enables the organization to produce accurate and informative accessibility progress reports when required.

In addition, any Airport policies that present barriers to accessibility, diversity, and inclusion will be revised to remove identified barriers.

Accessibility Goal
  • Ensure that the Airport Statement of Commitment to Accessibility is shared broadly within the organization and made available to the public.
  • Ensure that current facility emergency evacuation plans are in place and available in an accessible format for both employees and members of the public.
  • Review current emergency, safety, and evacuation information available on-site and develop a plan to improve access where barriers are identified.
  • Review the Airport Accessibility Plan and status of accessibility goals annually.
  • Update the airport Accessibility Plan a minimum of every three years and notify the ACA and ATPDR regulators when updated accessibility plans are published.
  • Provide ACA progress reports based on stated deadlines in the ACA and notify the ACA and regulator when updated accessibility progress reports are published.
  • Increase marketing and promotion efforts to help raise awareness of accessible services, features, and facilities available at the Airport.

Did you find the accessibility goals listed in the Information and Communication (other than ICT) section to be clear and understandable?

Question Title

* 5. Information and Communication (other than ICT)
(Question 2 of 3)

Do you think the goals in the Information and Communication (other than ICT) section reflect actions that will help improve accessibility at the Airport?

Question Title

* 6. Information and Communication (other than ICT)
(Question 3 of 3)

If you responded 'No' to either question above about the Information and Communication (other than ICT) section, have feedback about specific goals or would like to suggest additional goals related to this section, provide your feedback here.

Question Title

* 7. Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities
(3 questions in total for this section - question 1 of 3)

The Airport is committed to ensuring that, wherever possible, accessibility of goods, services, and facilities is considered when procuring items and services. Accessibility requirements will be included in Airport RFPs, service agreements, and other documents related to procurement.

Accessibility Goal
  • Review legal agreements regarding procurement of accessible goods, services, and facilities; ensure clear wording and procedures related to accessibility requirements in agreements.
  • Ensure managers and RFP developers and assessors understand how to describe and assess accessibility requirements related to procurement of goods, services, and facilities.
  • Monitor third-party vendors to ensure they are meeting their commitments to provide accessible services.
  • Review specific commitments to accessibility prior to making initial agreements, prior to contract renewals, and through occasional random service checks (for example, are hand-held controls and adaptive driving devices available at Airport car rental vendors).
  • Review procurement agreements and accessibility clauses for third-party vendors re: providing accessible services, goods, facilities.
  • Where possible, ensure specific accessibility requirements are included in RFPs and agreements with third-party vendors (for example, WCAG 2.1 AA for digital information; building code and built environment standards; accessibility standards for kiosks; provincial accessibility and human rights training for local employees).

Did you find the accessibility goals listed in the Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities section to be clear and understandable?

Question Title

* 8. Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities
(Question 2 of 3)

Do you think the goals in the Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities section reflect actions that will help improve accessibility at the Airport?

Question Title

* 9. Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities
(Question 3 of 3)

If you responded 'No' to either question above about the Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities section, have feedback about specific goals or would like to suggest additional goals related to this section, provide your feedback here.

Question Title

* 10. Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
(3 questions in total for this section - question 1 of 3)

The Airport is committed to providing its programs and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. The Airport is also committed to ensuring that it provides people with disabilities with integrated and equitable services and access to our goods and services in the same place and in similar way as other members of the public.

Accessibility Goal
  • Provide resources on how to create accessible information and communication to all online and print content creators.
  • Coordinate with Airport team members to develop, promote, and deliver National AccessAbility Week activities and awareness events annually.
  • Ensure that the Airport website’s Accessibility page (and other online content, where appropriate) is updated regularly to include current, accurate information.
  • Ensure that accessibility is incorporated into broader airport goals and plans, including strategic plans and workplans.
  • Develop and promote “what to expect” content for travelers, in accessible video and text format, in both official languages, to assist members of the public in understanding and feeling comfortable with the travel process and available support services at Airport.
  • Promote awareness of the international Hidden Disabilities’ Sunflower Lanyard Program (or similar method for travelers with invisible disabilities to discreetly indicate that they may require assistance or additional time to complete tasks while travelling through the airport).
  • Provide additional training and resources to airport employees, volunteers, tenants, and third-party vendors to raise awareness about accessibility barriers, programs, and services available to remove or prevent barriers, and how to respond or assist others appropriately.

Did you find the accessibility goals listed in the Design and Delivery of Programs and Services section to be clear and understandable?

Question Title

* 11. Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
(Question 2 of 3)

Do you think the goals in the Design and Delivery of Programs and Services section reflect actions that will help improve accessibility at the Airport?

Question Title

* 12. Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
(Question 3 of 3)

If you responded 'No' to either question above about the Design and Delivery of Programs and Services section, have feedback about specific goals or would like to suggest additional goals related to this section, provide your feedback here.

Question Title

* 13. Built Environment
(3 questions in total for this section - question 1 of 3)

The Airport is committed to ensuring that, wherever possible, newly constructed or redeveloped built environments are designed in a way that takes into consideration the prevention or removal of barriers

Accessibility Goal
  • Review and improve wayfinding and signage to create a more accessible experience when navigating the facility.
  • Ensure that TTY (TeleTYpewriter) and telephone relay services are functioning and available for public use.
  • Review the need for tactile attention indicators for walking surfaces (TWSIs) where public spaces might present a hazard.
  • Ensure that accessibility reviews (including persons with lived experience where possible) are provided on all airport design proposals; ensure that any identified barriers are addressed prior to approval of design and development of new facilities (internal or for stakeholders).
  • Reviews will be carried out to current and anticipated standards, as needed.
  • Review and ensure that all self-service kiosks owned, managed, or controlled by Moncton Airport provide accessible services or services are available in an alternate accessible format.
  • [NOTE: A self-service kiosk is an interactive electronic terminal that can be used to provide information, products, or services. Accessible kiosks must meet the requirements of the National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA-B651.2-07 (R2017) Accessible design for self-service interactive devices.]

Did you find the accessibility goals listed in the Built Environment section to be clear and understandable?

Question Title

* 14. Built Environment
(Question 2 of 3)

Do you think the goals in the Built Environment section reflect actions that will help improve accessibility at the Airport?

Question Title

* 15. Built Environment
(Question 3 of 3)

If you responded 'No' to either question above about the Design and Delivery of Programs and Services section, have feedback about specific goals or would like to suggest additional goals related to this section, provide your feedback here.

Question Title

* 16. Employment
(3 questions in total for this section - question 1 of 3)

The Airport is committed to providing fair and accessible employment opportunities at all stages of the employment cycle. This includes ensuring accessible recruitment and selection processes, creating individualized workplace emergency response plans, and providing formal written accommodation and return-to-work plans. The Airport is also committed to informing all employees of policies and procedures that support employees with disabilities.

Accessibility Goal
  • Review job descriptions prior to posting to ensure requirements are accurate and potential accessibility barriers are removed where possible.
  • Include accommodation request information and commitment to accessibility in job applications, when scheduling interviews, and at all stages during the recruitment process.
  • Ensure that employee accessibility and accommodation requests are addressed and reviewed on a regular basis, upon request by employees, and during annual performance reviews.
  • Ensure emergency response teams review and are aware of individual accommodation plans for employees, volunteers, and others with documented support requests during emergencies or evacuations.
  • Update job offer letter and agreement, as well as employee orientation and onboarding material, to ensure content includes information on available accessibility supports and the accommodation request process.
  • Ensure new technology, software, and processes implemented and applicable for all employees meet appropriate accessibility guidelines or are available in an alternate format.

Did you find the accessibility goals listed in the Employment section to be clear and understandable?

Question Title

* 17. Employment
(Question 2 of 3)

Do you think the goals in the Employment section reflect actions that will help improve accessibility at the Airport?

Question Title

* 18. Employment
(Question 3 of 3)

If you responded 'No' to either question above about the Employment section, have feedback about specific goals or would like to suggest additional goals related to this section, provide your feedback here.

Question Title

* 19. Training
(3 questions in total for this section - question 1 of 3)

The Airport is committed to ensuring that its employees and volunteers receive training on Airport accessibility policies and procedures. Refresher training is provided when changes are made to accessibility legislation or to Airport accessibility policies and procedures.

Accessibility Goal
  • Provide resources and training on how to create accessible information and communication to all content creators.
  • Provide customer service training incorporating Airport-specific accessibility information to customer-facing employees, including training on Airport assistive devices and services, and how to address accessibility feedback and accommodation requests.
  • Consider additional training opportunities for customer-facing employees and for managers (for example, mental health first aid training, training by local disability organizations).
  • Provide employee training to help increase sensitivity and awareness of barriers, appropriate language use, the need for inclusion, unconscious bias, and other content related to attitudinal barriers.
  • Provide opportunities for employees to participate in conferences, external training events, and online webinars, to increase knowledge about accessibility resources and best practices.

Did you find the accessibility goals listed in the Training section to be clear and understandable?

Question Title

* 20. Training
(Question 2 of 3)

Do you think the goals in the Training section reflect actions that will help improve accessibility at the Airport?

Question Title

* 21. Training
(Question 3 of 3)

If you responded 'No' to either question above about the Training section, have feedback about specific goals or would like to suggest additional goals related to this section, provide your feedback here.

Question Title

* 22. Closing Questions

Do you have any other feedback or suggestions regarding the content or format of the Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc Internationals Airport’s draft 2024-2027 Accessibility Plan?

Question Title

* 23. Closing Questions

Do you have any other comments or suggestions about how the Airport could provide more accessible and inclusive services?

Question Title

* 24. All responses provided through the Accessibility Survey form are anonymous. The following two questions are also optional but may assist the Airport in responding to the feedback you have provided.

Do you identify as a person with a disability or someone facing accessibility barriers (e.g., d/Deaf, disabled, neurodivergent, a support person)?

Question Title

* 25. Would you like a representative from the Moncton International Airport to follow-up with you in regard to your survey responses? If 'Yes', please provide your contact information and preferred method of communication.

Thank you for taking the time to review and provide your feedback on the Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport's draft 2024-2027 Accessibility Plan. With your support, the Airport is working towards creating a more inclusive environment for all.

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