NYS Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
Member Survey

Thank you for taking the time to help us gather data to support our NYS Council Budget and Legislative Priorities.  Please complete this survey as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, October 7 at 12:00pm.
For agencies operating in multiple regions of the state, please focus your answers on programs and services you operate in only one region of the state and then (at the bottom) tell us what region.  
1.OMH or OASAS OUTPATIENT CLINIC:  On average, what % of your current Medicaid APG rate are you receiving from commercial insurers for the same service?
2.On average, how much time (days, weeks, months) does it take for you to onboard a new employee? 
3.Considering all of the various pre-screens and clearances you must obtain in order to onboard a new employee, which of these requirements is the greatest barrier to quick onboarding? (fingerprinting, criminal background checks, CPS registry, Justice Center) ?
4.OASAS or OMH OUTPATIENT CLINIC:  On average, how long does a new client wait to start Outpatient Treatment once he/she has been pre-screened to ensure the absence of imminent danger?
5.If you are waiting for full reimbursement from an MCO that failed to pay the APG government rate for any service where the law says the MCO must pay the government rate, how much are you owed by the plan?
6.If you entered an amount for Q #5, how long have you been waiting for the money you are owed from the MCO/s?
7.In the last year, have you filed a complaint with either DoH/OHIP regarding an MCO failure to pay the APG government rate?
8.If you filed a complaint with either OMH or DoH seeking assistance to address an  issue with a MCO/s,  did you find the complaint process effective to help resolve your issue?
9.Agency Name
10.For Outpatient Clinic specific questions (above), please tell us where the Clinic is located (what REGION of the state).