AB 236 provides that temporary HA payments are now available to CalWORKs FR families if they are otherwise eligible and the county determines that HA is necessary for reunification.  Please see ACL 18-71 for more information.  This survey is being used to collect data on these families from July 2021 to June 2022.  Please respond to the survey to the best of your ability with the data currently available.  If there are ongoing barriers to collecting this data, please specify in question 12.

Additionally, as of September 1, 2022, SB 1065 updated eligibility for HA (All County Information Notice (ACIN) I-70-22). Under SB 1065, a county is required to accept a sworn statement for verification of homelessness for all HA applicants. Please note that while SB 1065 does not impact the FY 21-22 Survey, counties will need to take SB 1065 into consideration when completing future surveys. For more information about the changes occasioned by the passage of SB 1065, please see ACL NO. 21-121.

Asterisks indicate required questions.  For information on accessing this document using a screen reader, please go to the following link: Taking a Survey with a Screen Reader.

Question Title

* 2. Full Name of Person Completing Survey:

Question Title

* 3. Email of Person Completing Survey:

Question Title

* 4. Date of completion


Question Title

* 5. In your county, how many CalWORKs FR families requested HA between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022?

Question Title

* 6. In your county, how many of the total requests for HA (total for #5) were approved?

Question Title

* 7. In your county, how many of the total requests for HA (total for #5) were denied?

Question Title

* 8. Below are potential reasons for denying HA requests for CalWORKs FR families.  In the box next to each reason, indicate how many of these denials there were.  For example, if 3 FR requests were denied because the family does not meet the definition of homeless, type 3 into that box - if none, enter 0.

Question Title

* 9. If HA requests for CalWORKs FR families were denied for reasons other than those listed in the previous question, please provide a description of other reasons for denial and the number of instances for each reason.

Question Title

* 10. Does your county offer temporary shelter payments through the Family Stabilization Program?

Question Title

* 11. Any additional information the county wants to share about the implementation of AB 236 including challenges or successes?

Question Title

* 12. Please describe any ongoing barriers the county may face in collecting the data.