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A comprehensive plan is a long-range plan for determining a community’s vision and goals and can guide development, growth, services, and preservation. The purpose of this survey is to explore the ideas, perceptions, and input from the community. This plan will help develop policies and guidelines for future efforts. The final plan will help coordinate goals to create one cohesive community. As such, it is important to note trends across distinct groups including students, age groups, and income ranges.

This survey is completely voluntary and is an important factor to inform the final document. All responses are completely anonymous and will not be shared publicly in an identifiable manner. (Estimated time to complete: 8-9 minutes)

Question Title

* 1. POTENTIAL LIVABILITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS: How important is it to dedicate new or additional resources to address the following in the community?

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important No Opinion
Availability of Retail/Professional Services
Downtown Revitalization
Parks and Natural Areas
Cleanliness of properties
Underutilized and vacant buildings
Improving community aesthetics/beautification

Question Title

* 2. POTENTIAL INFRASTRUCTURE & AMENITIES IMPROVEMENTS: How important is it to dedicate new or additional resources to address the following in the community?

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important No Opinion
Developing new or connecting bike/walking trails
Aesthetics/beautification of entrance ways into town
Improve current streets (specify in comments)
City utilities/services
Lighting for parks, trails, and sidewalks
Youth recreation complexes/amenities
Senior amenities

Question Title

* 3. POTENTIAL HOUSING IMPROVEMENT AREAS: How important is it to dedicate new or additional resources to address the following in the community?

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important No Opinion
Rehabilitate existing housing
Emergency home repair assistance
Increase availability of owner-occupied housing
Increase availability of rental housing
Increase availability of senior housing
Develop affordable/attainable workforce housing

Question Title

* 4. How important are the following economic development goals?

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important No Opinion
Students learning trades (ex: electrician)
Add new jobs
Develop/Improve small business skills
Improve internet speeds
Fill vacant storefronts
Retiring business owners transferring ownership
Additional daycare service providers
Drawing visitors to downtown from highway/edge of town
Expanding existing businesses

Question Title

* 5. NEW BUSINESSES: From the list below, please rank from 1 through 7 which type of new or additional businesses that the community needs, with 1 being the most needed.

  1. Variety store
  2. Boutique/gift store
  3. Personal care services (e.g. beauty salon, spa, etc.)
  4. Restaurant
  5. Floral shop/greenhouse
  6. Brewery/distillery/winery/taphouse
  7. Entertainment/special events business

Question Title

* 6. In your opinion, what type of additional retail or professional services business is needed in the community?

Question Title

* 7. What are two (2) things you like about the community?

Question Title

* 8. If you could change two (2) things about the community, what would they be?

Question Title

* 9. What would be your highest priority for the the community in the next 12 months?

Question Title

* 10. Do you live within the city limits of Forest City?

Question Title

* 11. Do you currently work inside or outside of the community city limits?

Question Title

* 12. Do you rent or own your place of residence?

Question Title

* 13. How old are you?

Question Title

* 14. Do children under 18 live in your home?

Question Title

* 15. Please provide any additional comments that you might have in regards to the future of the community.

0 of 15 answered