Question Title

* 1. Contact Information (Optional)

Question Title

* 2. How should DEQ maximize the air quality benefits (i.e., nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other emission reductions)?

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* 3. Should DEQ prioritize certain geographic or demographic areas when evaluating and selecting projects? For example, should DEQ focus on EPA Priority Air Quality areas, areas with the impact on the greatest number of people, areas that would see the greatest economic impact, rural areas or statewide?

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* 4. Should DEQ set aside funding amounts or percentages for certain types of projects (transit buses, school buses, municipal fleets, etc.)?

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* 5. Should DEQ use some funding as matching dollars for federal grant programs that include additional eligible mitigation actions (e.g., non-road vehicle replacements/repowers)?

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* 6. Should DEQ focus funding on projects that use certain fuels or technologies (e.g., newer diesel, hybrid, compressed natural gas, propane, battery electric, other)?

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* 7. Should DEQ use 15% of the state allocation towards light duty electric vehicle charging stations?

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* 8. Should cost-share be required of government entities as well as non-governmental entities?

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* 9. Are there certain types of projects that should be fully funded by trust funds (i.e., certain projects that would not require a cost-share or match)?

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* 10. How should DEQ consider whether a project will benefit areas that have been disproportionately impacted by NOx and other pollutants?

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* 11. What other criteria should DEQ consider when evaluating applications for funds? (e.g., geographic distribution of funds, public health benefits, environmental impacts, economic development, project cost and benefits, low-income or disadvantaged community, etc.)

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* 12. What timeline for completing individual projects should DEQ establish?

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* 13. What methods and types of education and outreach related to charging stations and vehicle repower and replacement projects should DEQ consider?

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* 14. What information/resources could DEQ provide that would be helpful to those that are interested in submitting projects?

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* 15. Do you have any other input or general comments related to DEQ’s goals, criteria, priorities, or other issues associated with use of the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust settlement?

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* 16. If you have additional questions regarding the Environmental Mitigation Trust, please enter them below: