Top 50 South Australian newspapers for digitisation and access on TROVE |
We need your help
This is your opportunity to help decide which South Australian newspapers will be digitised and made freely available online through Trove over the next three years.
Due to the phenomenal success of the Australian Newspaper Digitisation Program, the National Library has asked us to plan ahead, and we'd like your help in deciding South Australia's next Top 50 priorities.
Trove already provides access to over 60 South Australian newspaper titles and another 30 South Australian titles are scheduled for digitising in the next 12 months.
This survey asks you to nominate up to five titles from a list of 100 pre-1955 titles that are already on microfilm.
Because scanning microfilm is more cost effective than scanning hard-copy newspapers, only newspapers that have already been microfilmed can be nominated for digitising. Also, pre-1955 newspapers are generally considered to be out of copyright, so editions up to 31 December 1954 is the usual cut-off date for inclusion in Trove.
Based on your feedback we will collate the next Top 50 titles to propose to the National Library for digitising. Many of these should then become available online by the end of 2018. This survey will close 31 August 2015.