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* 1. Did you know that tutoring is offered as a free service to Millersville University students through the Tutoring Center located at 355 Lyle Hall (717/871-7222)?

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* 2. Did you know both face-to-face and online tutoring are available?

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* 3. Has COVID-19 affected your access to tutoring?

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* 4. Have you tried Smarthinking online tutoring?

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* 5. Do you feel that tutoring is essential to your academic success?

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* 6. Have you sought tutoring through the Tutoring Center?

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* 7. If you received tutoring through the Tutoring Center, please rate the following and provide comments about how you think services could be improved:

  Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor N/A
Individual Tutoring
Drop-in Group Tutoring
Tutoring Center Location
Tutoring Center Hours
Tutoring Center Staff
Overall Quality

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* 8. If you received tutoring through the Tutoring Center, did your grade improve in the course in which you were tutored?

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* 9. How likely are you to return to the Tutoring Center for future tutoring services?

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* 10. Would you recommend the Tutoring Center to others?