Welcome to My Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.

In this survey you will see the hierarchy of roads that governs funding, grading requirements and other maintenance requirements of all Shire of Derby West Kimberley Roads.

We would like to gather feedback from the community about how the hierarchy works (how each road is ranked) and whether the community agrees with the ranking of each road.

We would love to have input from all community members and are open to suggestions of how we can make the hierarchy system better. 

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A number is allocated for each road depending on if they meet each criteria. For example, if there is a school that requires the road, the would get a 2 for that column. Each number is added up to a total score and referred to the score table to be allocated a ranking (Very Low, Low, Medium, High or Very High). 

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AADT is determined by the average daily movement numbers of vehicles the higher the movements the higher the score.
The roman classification for roads is determined by Main Roads Western Australia, with a regional distributor being the most important (number 3). 

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* Above is the Hierarchy Classification System used to classify all roads. You will have the opportunity to provide feedback on each individual road and their ranking. Do you agree with the hierarchy system as it is and if not, why?

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* Any other questions, comments or concerns?