Download the ATRN Call for Abstracts Guidelines.
The deadline to submit is EXTENDED to Monday, August 5, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Credentials

Question Title

* 4. Academic Institution or Organization:

Question Title

* 5. Department Affiliation

Question Title

* 6. Email Address:

Question Title

* 7. Select the preferred presentation type for which you would like to be considered.

Question Title

* 8. Enter your abstract title below, capitalizing the first word of the title, all major words, and the first word following a colon, as in the following example: "An Exemplary Project: Implementation of a Community-Academic Program to Reduce Parental Stress". Download the Abstract Guidelines here.

Question Title

* 9. Enter the full name of each of the abstract authors followed by either:
(1) the name of the organization and city and state in which it is located OR
(2) the name of the author's university and college or department.
(Example: Angela R. Gutierrez, Colgate Company, Newtown Indiana)

Question Title

* 10. Upload the body of your abstract as a Microsoft Word document.

As a reminder:
  • Each abstract must be no more than 300 words in length.
  • Use Arial 11 Font only.
  • Do not include the title or authors; enter only the body of your abstract.
  • Do not include diagrams, illustrations or graphics.
  • Do not include any footnotes or references.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 11. Please enter 3-5 learning objectives for your abstract. Write learning objectives that relate to the outcome you expect someone who is attending your presentation will be able to demonstrate and that reflects the content of the session. For additional guidelines, please see the attached document "2024 ATRN Summit Call for Abstracts" at the beginning of the survey.

Question Title

* 12. Please provide a brief "Lay Summary". Your summary should use plain language and exclude highly technical terminology and descriptions. Please limit your summary to 4-7 sentences or bullet points. Example points to address: Key question(s) Key finding(s) Why is this important? Why should the community care about this? For more information on plain language, visit the "National Institutes of Health: Plain Language" site by clicking on the following link: NIH Plain Language

Question Title

* 13. Enter the name of the primary presenter. (Reminder: Each abstract may only have one primary presenter.)

Question Title

* 14. Which of the following best describes the presenter's ATRN affiliation?

Question Title

* 15. Enter the email address of the person who will be the primary presenter at the conference.

Question Title

* 16. Select up to three (3) topic areas your abstract addresses: