A Fork In Time--LiveStream #1 Listener Votes (BBQ Ballot)
A Fork In Time--LiveStream #1 Listener Votes
During the September 22, 2022 Livestream, the following items were suggested for listener vote/feedback.
Please provide your input.
My choice for the barbeque that is done "right" is..
Kansas City
Other (please specify)
None of the above
The conspiracy concept I would most like to see made into an episode of either A Fork in Time or The Room Where It Happened is?
Death of William II of England (Alexis)
The Business Plot (Chris)
Thomas Jefferson Plot to Assassinate James T. Callender (Eric Bond)
Wyoming Doesn't Exist (Eric Rush)
Pope John Paul I Murdered by Curia (Robert)
LBJ Knew of Plot to Kill JFK (Don)
None of the above
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