We are sorry to see you go. Please complete the survey below. Your answers will help us to determine if there are improvements Fisher College can make to our programs and services.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information.

Question Title

* 2. Did you transfer to Fisher College from another school?

Question Title

* 3. Were you employed while at Fisher College?

Question Title

* 4. How did Fisher College rank among your choices for college?

Question Title

* 5. Please identify how important the following reasons were for choosing Fisher College for your education. (Please mark all that apply).

  Not important at all Of little importance Moderately important Important Very important
Availability of specific programs/courses
Fisher College faculty
The size of the college
Availability of academic support services
Student life
Cost of tuition and fees
Availability of financial aid
Family advice
Friends attending Fisher College
Best school was admitted to

Question Title

* 6. Did you visit the Fisher College campus before enrolling in the program?

Question Title

* 7. To what extent did the reasons to come here meet your expectations? Please check only ONE answer for each reason.

  Did not meet at all To a very little extent To some extent To a great extent To a very great extent Not applicable
Academic programs/Courses
Fisher College faculty
Class size
Internships/Career service
Student interaction/Friendships
College-sponsored activities
Student clubs/Organizations
Academic support services/Tutoring

Question Title

* 8. During the past year, how often have you done the following?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
Met individually with instructors
Met with your adviser
Met with academic support staff
Participated in student clubs ad organizations

Question Title

* 9. Overall, how difficult was Fisher College for you academically?

Question Title

* 10. How would you describe your overall impression of Fisher College?

Question Title

* 11. Please rate how influential the following ACADEMIC reasons were in your decision to leave Fisher College. (Please check only one answer for each reason.)

  Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all
Courses were too difficult
Courses were not challenging
Inadequate academic advising
Dissatisfaction with quality of classroom instruction
Dissatisfaction with courses (content, structure, availability)
Not doing well with grades
Being unhappy with academic policies and regulations
Lack of desired major at Fisher College. (Please identify the major you will pursue below).

Question Title

* 12. Please rate how influential the following FINANCIAL reasons were in your decision to leave Fisher College. (Please check only one answer for each reason.)

  Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all
Not adequate financial aid
Did not receive enough financial support from parents/family
Financial aid was suspended
Could not find work to support my studies
Do not have funds to purchase books and supplies
Another school is less expensive or offered more financial assistance
Personal and/or family expenditures have risen or are expected to rise

Question Title

* 13. Please rate how influential the following STUDENT LIFE reasons were in your decision to leave Fisher College. (Please check only one answer for each reason.)

  Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all
Difficulty of making new friends
Difficulty of finding any student clubs or organizations of interest
Inadequate or not interesting student activities
Concerns with food service
Receipt of a disciplinary sanction
Did not fit in

Question Title

* 14. What was your living situation this semester?