Volunteer Application Question Title * 1. Personal Info Name Preferred First Name Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 2. Do you have any health concerns that may impact you as a volunteer or pose a health risk to others? Yes No If yes, describe and explain work limitations. Question Title * 3. Times available: Days Afternoons/Evenings Weekdays Weekends Question Title * 4. Are you currently associated with another volunteer agency? Yes No If yes, agency name: Question Title * 5. Are you currently employed? Yes No Question Title * 6. Are you attending school right now? Yes No If yes, area of study Question Title * 7. Valid driver's licence? Yes No Province: Question Title * 8. Are you at least 19 years old? Yes No Question Title * 9. Please indicate any previous volunteer experience. Question Title * 10. General Information: This space can be used to highlight any additional information pertaining to employment history, career objectives, or relevant interests and experiences you feel are directly related to the volunteer position you are applying for. Completion of this section is very helpful in assisting us to assess potential placement. Question Title * 11. References: Please provide a minimum of two people who may be contacted. Reference 1 Name: Telephone number: Relationship: Number of years known: Reference 2 Name: Telephone number: Relationship: Number of years known: Reference 3 Name: Telephone number: Relationship: Number of years known: Submit