
Welcome to the Planning Maturity Self Assessment Survey provided by Value Gene Consulting Group. This survey serves as a simplified version of our extensive Planning Maturity Assessment Survey, a key component of our FLOW product.

Our goal with this self-assessment is to provide you with an insightful perspective on your organization's current planning maturity level compared to best practices. Please note that this survey provides an indicative opinion rather than a detailed evaluation.

The survey offers an overview of your planning maturity level through a series of questions for each planning component:
1) E2E Supply Chain Visibility
2) Demand Planning
3) Supply Planning
4) Production Planning
5) Production
6) Procurement
7) Order Management
8) Logistics

Select the option that best represents your organization's current capabilities in each area. Descriptions of each level will be provided for your reference. If unsure between two levels, we recommend opting for the lower level to ensure a realistic assessment.
· Level 1: Basic
· Level 2: Developing
· Level 3: Advanced
· Level 4: Best-in-Class