2024 Trip

1.Shooting level requirements are not big. In general, can you shoot 2" group or better at 100 yards off a bench with sandbags etc etc?
2.Do you have a 20+ MOA base rail? Something giving you more MOA/MIL in your scope?
3.Carpooling means you will leave Thursday after work and come back a day late. This will add 2 additional nights of hotel fees for you. Will you be carpooling?
4.Does Sept 6-7 (+ travel time) work for you?
5.Does Sept 27/28 (+ travel time) work for you?
6.Does Oct 18/19 (+ travel time) work for you?
7.Does Oct 25/26 (+ travel time) work for you?
8.Does Nov 1/2 (+ travel time) work for you?
9.Does Nov 8/9 (+ travel time) work for you?
10.What is your email address to reach you?
Current Progress,
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