Inspiring Museums

Please fill in the form.
Thanks :)

Question Title

* 1. Name-Surname

Question Title

* 2. Name of your school and grade

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* 3. Have you achieved the goals set at the beggining of the project?

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* 4. Among the several activities, which did you and your students like most?

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* 5. Did you and your students have fun doing project activities?

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* 6. Do you think the time was enough to complete all the tasks of the project?

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* 7. To what extend did you manage to integrate the project in your curriculum?

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* 8. Did the ICT tools you used helped you to achieve your goals?

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* 9. Do you think this project improved your and your students' knowledge on museums as well as artistic skills , creativity and imagination ?

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* 10. Do you think this project improved your and your students ICT and language skills?