As a recruiter, your input is critical to us as we look for ways to improve our services and the relevance of the content we produce. Please take 5 minutes (or less!) to answer this brief survey.

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* 1. To receive the results of this survey, please provide your email address.

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* 2. How long have you been a recruiter?

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* 3. In which industry/niche do you work?

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* 4. How many placements did you personally make in 2022?

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* 5. How many placements do you think you'll make in 2023?

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* 6. What was the cash-in total for your recruiting desk in 2022?

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* 7. How much do you think you'll bill on your recruiting desk in 2023?

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* 8. How do the number of job orders you're working now compare to a year ago at this time?

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* 9. How would you describe your clients' overall activity level in terms of hiring as compared to a year ago at this time?

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* 10. How do the number of offer turndowns compare to a year ago at this time?

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* 11. Are candidates "ghosting" more, less, or the same as a year ago at this time?

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* 12. Are candidates more or less likely to relocate now as opposed to the past three years?

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* 13. What are your thoughts regarding a possible recession?

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* 14. What part of your Top Echelon Network Preferred Membership are you the MOST pleased with?

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* 15. What part of your Top Echelon Network Preferred Membership are you the LEAST pleased with?

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* 16. Please share any additional thoughts about your Top Echelon Network Preferred Membership, the state of the recruiting industry, or anything else that you believe is relevant to this survey.