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We'd like to hear from you.
We know that you are interested in As We Are, so we are inviting you to tell us what you think. As We Are is preparing its Strategic Plan for the coming five years (2020-2024). With this survey we are hoping to:
1. give WA artists who have an intellectual disability a voice
2. hear from the As We Are community about their view of our role and future activities
3. understand about current engagement with As We Areartists and their support networks
4. work out how As We Are can better engage with its stakeholders
5. seek input for improving As We Are's organisational structure
6. seek your ideas about how As We Are provides opportunities for artists who have an intellectual disability to reach their creative and artistic potential.
Independent consultants Dr Helen Grzyb and Liesbeth Goedhart are conducting this confidential survey to take place online from Tuesday 28 January - Tuesday 4 February or hard copy surveys to be returned by Friday 7 Feb, 2020. The outcomes of the survey will inform the Strategic Plan.