Children and Young People's Survey on Play In Ireland


Who are we?
The National Childhood Network (based in the Republic of Ireland and PlayBoard (based in Northern Ireland) both believe that play is very important to children and young people and that they should be able to play more at home, at school and in the places they live.

Why are we running this survey?
All children have the right to play, but often adults forget why play is important. The survey will allow children and young people in the Republic of Ireland to have their say on

  • How important play is to them
  • The types of things they like to play, and
  • What, if anything, stops them playing as much as they would like.
We want you to tell us what matters most to you, we will let the Politicians who make decisions about play know what you think.

Taking part is this survey is voluntary. this means you only need to answer the questions you want to answer and can stop anytime.

The information you give is anonymous- nobody can tell that the information comes from you!

If you are a teacher or parent/carer, please allow the child or young person to express their view on the survey.

Thank you for taking part

1.How old are you?
2.Do you feel you belong to any of these communities? (You can select more than one)
3.How often do you play outdoors?
4.When you are playing, what are your favourite things to do? (you can select more than 1 box)
5.Where do you like to play most often? (You can select more than 1 box)
6.How important is play to you?
7.Why is playing important to you? (You can select more than 1 box)
8.When you are playing outside, which of these is true?
9.What, if anything, stops you from playing as much as you would like? (You can select more than 1 box)
10.If you are not able to play, how does it make you feel?
11.What would allow you to play more? (You can select more than 1 box)
12.What are adults like when you are playing in the area you live?
13.Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey
National Childhood Network are running a competition for participating in this survey. One entry winner will be selected at random and will receive a box of goodies.
If you would like to be entered into the FREE draw please leave your name and email in the box below

14.We would love to see children's drawings/paintings/creations for ideas for play, please screenshot and send any samples of work to: