Welcome To Our Customer Satisfaction Survey

Your feedback and suggestions in this survey helps us to implement measurable processes where required. We value your participation to facilitate improvements.

All information shared during this survey will be kept confidential and used solely for survey purposes.

You have the right to refuse to participate or withdraw from answering the survey.

We thank you for your time to provide us with feedback.

You have the option to send any concerns, complaints or compliments to salesforce@mpcsa.co.za.
If you prefer - you can choose to remain anonymous.

Should you have any further comments, you are welcome to contact us at:
Mpact Plastic Containers Atlantis: 021 573 9400
Mpact Plastic Containers Brits:  012 250 9100
Mpact Plastic Containers Castleview:  012 250 9100

Kind regards,
The Mpact Plastic Containers Team