Exit this survey >> HRD Customer Service Survey Please tell us about your most recent experience with the DSHS Human Resources Division. Question Title * 1. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I received prompt response to my question or concern. I received prompt response to my question or concern. Strongly Disagree I received prompt response to my question or concern. Disagree I received prompt response to my question or concern. Neutral I received prompt response to my question or concern. Agree I received prompt response to my question or concern. Strongly Agree Personnel handled my question or concern in a professional manner. Personnel handled my question or concern in a professional manner. Strongly Disagree Personnel handled my question or concern in a professional manner. Disagree Personnel handled my question or concern in a professional manner. Neutral Personnel handled my question or concern in a professional manner. Agree Personnel handled my question or concern in a professional manner. Strongly Agree I received the information or service I was seeking. I received the information or service I was seeking. Strongly Disagree I received the information or service I was seeking. Disagree I received the information or service I was seeking. Neutral I received the information or service I was seeking. Agree I received the information or service I was seeking. Strongly Agree Question Title * 2. Overall experience rating? Poor Fair Good Excellent Outstanding Don’t know Question Title * 3. What else would you like to say? Next/Save >>