1. Welcome to the Cumberland County Tax Administration Staff Survey

5% of survey complete.
Cumberland County, North Carolina has contracted with Harris Consulting to perform an assessment of the Tax Administration Department's tax software needs as a precursor to replacing the current tax administration software.

In order for us to proceed with that assessment and the development of a Request for Proposal, we begin with this staff questionnaire in order to understand your perceptions of the Tax Administration Department's current system and the desires for a future system.  We are interested in what the current system is not doing, what the current system is doing well and what dreams you have for a future system. Feel free to imagine solutions. Surprisingly, many software functions and features that may seem insurmountable may be readily at hand for little or no extra expense.

We will use your response as the basis for our personal or group interview with you. The survey is not anonymous, but Dr. Harris will not identify you with your responses without your permission.

Any questions please contact Chartese M. Davis at cmdavis@co.cumberland.nc.us.

Thank you for participating in our survey.

Jack D. Harris, Ph.D.
Harris Consulting