Welcome - Your voice matters!

PA CultureCheck is THE statewide benchmark study by PA Humanities, the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, and the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council to gather and uplift the voices of Pennsylvania’s cultural, arts, and humanities organizations, along with other nonprofits and community groups.

Our 2023 study was featured in major news outlets - including The Philadelphia Inquirer, The New York Times, and WHYY. PA CultureCheck tells a powerful story of Pennsylvania’s cultural sector. The results inform local and statewide advocacy efforts, educate grantmakers and practitioners about the latest trends, inspire future research, and help build a stronger and more responsive cultural community.

Data is kept strictly confidential and will ONLY be reported in the aggregate.
This survey is for data collection and reporting purposes only. Please consider granting permission to quote from your text responses anonymously to help illuminate the findings (option given in survey).

Helpful tips:
  • It’s helpful to have handy your organization's annual report, budget, or similar documents for FY 2019 and FYs 2022, 2023
  • Estimates are fine
  • The survey can remain open in a browser indefinitely, but you CANNOT save answers if you close the window or restart
  • Estimated time to complete the survey is 25 minutes
  • Depending on your location, there are 28-30 questions

Questions? Contact:
Nick Crosson - Development & Research Manager, PA Humanities - ncrosson@pahumanities.org
Kristen Vinh - Director of Research and Data, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance - kristenv@philaculture.org
Morgan Kasprowicz - Director of Research and Cultural Policy, Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council - mkasprowicz@pittsburghartscouncil.org
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11% of survey complete.