Crux Reader Survey - April 2024

Crux Reader Survey - April 2024

This important reader survey includes questions about Crux potentially becoming subscription only - or being split between free and subscriber content. We also want to know how we can improve our content - regardless of whether its free or not. Plus - if we were subscriber only - what new features would you expect?
1.Crux is experiencing the same challenges as all media with a difficult advertising market, the withdrawal of Government support and much more complex and fragmented audience trends. Please score how much you value, or would value, both current and potential future content on Crux.
Your view
More investigative news stories
More positive community stories
More council coverage
Less council coverage
A weekly podcast
A daily podcast
A monthly podcast
No website - Newsletter only - daily
No website - Newsletter only - weekly
Website and newsletter - daily or weekly
More local advertising
Less advertising
More traffic and weather information/news
More national news
More local people profile articles
Regular articles from local politicians, personalities and business people
Articles on the local arts
Articles/updates on local food, entertainment and events
More video content
2.If Crux was to become a subscriber platform, with a paywall, which business model would you prefer?
Your view
Subscriber only for all content
A mix of subscriber only and free content
A fixed monthly fee
A fee based on what you can afford
Free for low income earners and charities
Subscriber only for newsletter - no website
Website and newsletter - subscriber only
Free website - subscription newsletter (with premium content)
3.What subscription rate do you think is reasonable and affordable - keeping in mind that quality journalism is expensive and time consuming?
Your view
Less than $15 a month
$15 a month
$20 a month
$25 a month
$30 a month
More/less - pay what you can afford
Zero - locals can't afford to pay
4.If Crux needed to become a subscription site would you become a subscriber?
Your view
Yes - for the exisiting service
Yes - if more features were added
5.Any other comments or thoughts?