Crown Solicitors - Workload and Bullying Survey Workload Question Title * 1. Approximately how many hours have you discounted from your billable hours in the past month? 0 1-5 5-10 10-20 20 or more Question Title * 2. If you have discounted any of your billable hours please provide reasons as to why you did so? Question Title * 3. Do you believe that billable hours are being used as a measure of your performance? Question Title * 4. Are you less inclined to take accrued flex leave unless you have accumulated additional billable hours? Question Title * 5. Approximately how many hours of unpaid work have you accumulated in the past 12 months? 0 1-5 5-10 10-20 20 or more Question Title * 6. If you have accumulated hours of unpaid work, can you provide reasons as to why you did so? Question Title * 7. Have you experienced any of the following within the last 12 months? Unreasonable work demands by management Unreasonable/Impossible deadlines for completion of work Inadequate time to do the amount of work allocated Inadequate staffing resources or technology to perform my job Insufficient staffing and/or supervisory support Inadequate training of myself or other staff Lack of support in dealing with difficult clients or the general public My job description is unclear or outdated Management has unreasonable expectations Management communicates poorly Inability to raise concerns with supervisor/management Forfeited flex leave in the last 12 months due to inability to find time to take leave Attended work when sick due to insufficient resources to cover your absence Next