Critical Conversations: A Step Towards Standing Against Racism

1.Please enter your FULL name
2.Email address
3.Current appointment
4.Choose your district
5.Name one specific thing from the video that a Bishop named as important (even necessary) for those called United Methodists to be doing in light of recent racism.
6.What specific ways, if at all, have you seen what you listed in the previous answer lived out or made real in the East Ohio Conference?
7.Racism is the system which prioritizes one race above others and protects those values and beliefs with policies, laws, practices, and procedures. This means institutions, resources, opportunities, and priorities benefit white people to the detriment of People of Color. With this definition in mind, how have you seen this expressed in the East Ohio Conference? (If this definition is new to you and you have difficulty applying it at this point to real life scenarios or examples, please write that here; it is a valid answer to this question at this point, but please attempt before writing this.)
8.How, if at all, is this different than how you have been thinking about racism?
9.Name the spaces in which you are part of the racial majority (over 80%).
10.Name the spaces in which you are the racial minority (under 10%).
11.How often are you in spaces where the racial diversity is so great that you don't "count how many ___ are there" to describe racial diversity?
12.Bishop Palmer adds to the discussion by saying "repent and believe" related to how the Church brings a distinct lens to addressing racism. What does he say he means by that? Then offer one specific example of the East Ohio Conference doing that and one specific example of the East Ohio Conference not doing that.
13.If you were to rate your consciousness of issues around race and racism on a scale of 1-5, how would you rate yourself? (1 being "not very conscious" and 5 being "very conscious")
14.If you were to rate your understanding of terms and concepts around race and racism on a scale of 1-5, how would you rate yourself? (1 being "low" and 5 being "high")
Current Progress,
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