Thank you for your interest in integrating data from CreativeGround into your website through the site API.
  • We just need a few pieces of information to get you started!
  • After you submit this form, we'll follow up with you to make sure your organization has the appropriate user account to access the API technical documentation.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. What CreativeGround data are you interested in accessing through the API? For what end use? (e.g. display on your website, integrate with other data, cultural planning etc.)

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* 3. Which website will be accessing the API?

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* 4. In what technical platform is this website built?

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* 5. What is the average weekly traffic of this website?

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* 6. What is the IP Address of this website?

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* 7. Please specify what you want to display on your website from CreativeGround:

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* 8. How will your access of the API benefit the profiles in CreativeGround?

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* 9. How will you cite CreativeGround on your website and send users to to make profile updates?

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* 10. Who will integrate the API into your website?

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* 11. Please share the contact information for that person

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* 12. What is your desired timeline for implementing the API into your website? (please keep in mind that this is a technical project that will require website development.)


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* 13. What is influencing that timeline (if anything)?