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The CARLI OER Committee is gauging CARLI members’ interest in attending a virtual Creative Commons Certificate Program. CC describes this program as: “The Certificate Program offers in-depth courses about CC licenses, open practices and the ethos of the Commons. Courses are composed of readings, quizzes, discussions, and practical exercises to develop learners’ open skills.” The certificate can be offered as either a 10 week online course or as an intensive weeklong or two-week, CARLI-member virtual bootcamp. Further information about the certificate can be found at

While CARLI will be subsidizing part of the cost of attending this course, and the Midwest Higher Education Compact offers a discount for the 10-week course option, these programs will have a cost for members to attend. Please share which options would be possible for you.

If multiple people from your institution are interested in attending, please have each person complete this survey. Thank you.

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* 1. Please share your contact information.

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* 2. How much would you (or your institution) be willing to pay to attend a Creative Commons Certificate program?

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* 3. What format of the course is your preference?

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* 4. What time of year would work best for you?

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* 5. What is your level of interest in this certificate?

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