Consumer Preferences in Massachusetts

This survey attempts to gain insight on the attitudes of consumers in Massachusetts on taprooms, preferred beer styles, and use of social media as it relates to craft beer.

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* 1. About how often do you drink craft beer?

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* 2. What other craft alcohol beverages do you drink?

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* 3. How often do you go to a brewery tasting/taproom to drink or purchase beer? 

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* 4. What's important to you about your brewery visit?

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* 5. What beer styles do you drink regularly?

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* 6. What is your preferred method for to-go beer?

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* 7. When purchasing to-go beer at a brewery taproom, you wish breweries would . . .

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* 8. Do you score or look up beers on Untappd, Beer Adocate, or Ratebeer?

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* 9. Do you rate IPAs or Stouts higher than other styles?

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* 10. Do you rate beers for reasons other than taste (reputation, for example)?

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* 11. If you don't use Untappd, Beer Advocate, or RateBeer, how do you make decisions on which beers to try/buy?

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* 12. How would you rate your own palate (tasting capabilities)?

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* 13. Which of the following factors have impacted your decisions when buying beer or other craft alcohol beverages?

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* 14. Have you ever taken part in a blind tasting?

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* 15. How likely would you be to attend a blind beer festival where brands being sampled were only revealed at the end?