COVID-19 Mental Health, Substance Use & Trauma Needs & Resources Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
During this time of crisis, meeting domestic violence survivors’ mental health-, substance use-, and trauma-related needs has become increasingly complex. Domestic violence programs and mental health and substance use treatment providers are facing new challenges daily. The National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health wants to provide you with timely, useful resources on responding to the COVID-19 epidemic. The results from this survey will guide us as we develop supports and resources. Your input is greatly valued.
What kinds of resources related to COVID-19 would be most useful? Please select all that apply:
Leadership supports for DV program directors
Maintaining a collaborative organizational culture
Keeping communication open within your team
Maintaining voluntary, survivor-defined, and trauma-informed DV services
Facing helplessness as a service provider
Navigating our own trauma responses or secondary trauma as a result of COVID-19
Supporting our own resilience during this crisis
Supporting survivors’ mental health and well-being
Supporting survivors who use substances
Supporting survivors who are parenting
Supporting survivors’ children and youth
Navigating fear, trauma, and grief with survivors
Supporting survivors in communities facing systematic marginalization
Immigration and maintaining survivors’ access to services
Guidance for mental health and substance use treatment providers on maintaining safety and confidentiality when providing Telehealth services to survivors
Guidance for mental health and substance use disorder treatment providers on supporting survivors
Changes in mental health and substance use policy that impact safety, confidentiality, and access to services
Other- please describe
What is the best way to get this information to you? Please select your top 3 choices:
Information resource list
Referral resource directory
Interviews featuring other programs
CEU / Continuing Education Unit
Social media posting
Live discussions (calls/meetings)
Other- please describe:
How often do you want to receive resources related to COVID-19?
Two to three times a week
Once a week
Once every other week
Other- please describe:
Current Progress,
0 of 3 answered