COVID-19 Mental Health, Substance Use & Trauma Needs & Resources Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. 

During this time of crisis, meeting domestic violence survivors’ mental health-, substance use-, and trauma-related needs has become increasingly complex. Domestic violence programs and mental health and substance use treatment providers are facing new challenges daily. The National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health wants to provide you with timely, useful resources on responding to the COVID-19 epidemic. The results from this survey will guide us as we develop supports and resources. Your input is greatly valued.
1.What kinds of resources related to COVID-19 would be most useful? Please select all that apply:
2.What is the best way to get this information to you? Please select your top 3 choices:
3.How often do you want to receive resources related to COVID-19?
Current Progress,
0 of 3 answered