Corsham Neighbourhood Plan: Housing Needs Survey

We have begun work on the Corsham Neighbourhood Plan for 2024-2038

Please help shape the future of Corsham by completing this short survey for the Neighbourhood Plan.

Corsham Town Council is reviewing the current Corsham Neighbourhood Plan, which was adopted in 2019. When complete, the Plan will help to guide development for the period to 2038.
This Housing Needs Survey is aimed at you and those in your household who may have a housing need within the next 10 years. The survey aims to gather information on the current housing situation, identify gaps, and prioritise future housing projects that reflect the true needs of our community. Your responses will be treated confidentially and will only be used for the purposes of this study.
By taking a few moments to complete this survey, you will be helping to influence how growth happens and help to ensure that it meets the needs of our community.
Thank you for your time and feedback.
1.How do you feel about current housing provision in Corsham and surrounding villages?
2.Why do you feel this way? Please select all that apply.
3.Do you think the Neighbourhood Plan should allocate land for more homes?
4.If yes, what types of housing? Please select all that apply.
5.The following questions are more detailed and focused on evidencing specific local housing needs in the Corsham Area.

Please only answer the questions if they’re relevant to you and you have a housing need. If you do not have a housing need please go to question 18.

How would you describe your household?
6.What tenure of housing do you currently live in?
7.How long have you lived in Corsham or the surrounding villages?
8.Do you or any member of your household want or need to move out of the property that you currently live in? If no, please go to question 18.
9.If you answered yes, or possibly yes in the future, who is it that wants to move out?
10.If you answered yes, or possibly yes in the future, why would you or your household member like to move out? Please select all that apply.
11.If you answered yes to moving now, or possibly yes in the future, what type of home are you looking for?
12.If you answered yes, or possibly yes in the future, how many bedrooms are you looking for?
13.If you answered yes, or possibly yes in the future, what kind of home are you looking for? Please select all that apply.
14.If you answered yes and you are seeking specialist accommodation, what type are you looking for? Please select all that apply
15.If you answered yes to moving now or in the future, which bracket of property price would you consider yourself currently able to afford?
16.If you answered yes, or possibly yes in the future, which bracket of rent per calendar month would you consider yourself able to afford?
17.If you answered yes, or possibly yes in the future, where are you planning to move?
18.Are you on the local authority housing register (also known as waiting list)?
19.What issues have you experienced whilst looking for accommodation to move to? Please select all that apply.
20.Are you aware of any other households or individuals who live outside of the Corsham area and wish to move to this area? If no, go to question 23. If yes, what type of household are they:
21.What type of home are they likely to need or want?
22.Have they experienced any barriers in trying to move to the Corsham area? Please select all that apply.
23.Any other comments? Your comment will be public. Please do not include
personal details.
24.Please share the first five characters of your postcode (eg SN13 9)