The USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism at the University of Southern California has been training, mentoring and supporting journalists for 15 years as they report on health challenges and opportunities. In the midst of one of the greatest health challenges the nation has ever faced, we may be able to provide additional resources to journalists and their newsrooms. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey to share your ideas about how we could be most helpful.

Please be sure to click "DONE" at the end to save your answers.

Question Title

* Title/Job Function

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* Is your news outlet:

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* What language does your news outlet report in?

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* 1.  Please rank your current personal or organizational challenges in providing your community with coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak (select 1 for the highest priority and 6  for lowest).

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* Other feedback?

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* 2.  Please rank the following ways we might help (select 1 for the highest priority and 9 for lowest).

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* Please share other suggestions or needs.

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* If the Center were able to provide funding, how might you or your newsroom use the funding?

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* 3.  Let us know how valuable it would be to you if the Center could provide reporting on how vulnerable families are affected to highlight inequities and opportunities for change.

Question Title

* 4.  Let us know if you or your newsroom would be interested in participating in a Reporting Collaborative on coronavirus.  (Our Reporting Collaboratives provide project management, editing and funding, with stories running in all participating outlets.) You can view examples of the reporting from our previous Collaboratives at this link.

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* Additional comments?

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* Please share your contact info so we can follow up with you and let you know what help we can provide. We won't share your information.


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* Email Address (Only for follow-up. We won't share.)

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* Phone Number (Only for follow-up. We won't share.)

Question Title

* Media Outlet Name or denote Freelance (if applicable)

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey
during this very challenging time. If you have questions about this survey or want to know more about the Center for Health Journalism, write or visit