Coopersburg is preparing a new Comprehensive Plan, which is being combined with a Parks and Recreation Plan. The Plan will recommend where different types of homes and businesses should be located, where streets and sidewalks should be improved, where trails and parks should be improved, and related matters. This youth survey is at: .
A longer survey has been provided for adults at . This version of the survey is designed for young persons. Please try to complete the survey by October 30, 2024, but we will continue to compile results after that date.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Question Title

* 1. Do you wish to describe a street or transportation problem that you would like to see addressed? (such as improvements to a hazardous intersection or a difficult pedestrian crossing)

Question Title

* 2. Do you believe that additional parks and recreation improvements are needed in Coopersburg?

Question Title

* 3. Recreation: Please check which three types of new parks and recreation improvements you believe should be provided in Coopersburg, if any?

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* 4. What do you most like to do when you play outside?