Cooking along with Famous Chefs from Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong via JSA cooking YouTube
channel on every Friday in August. You will have a chance to enter the lucky draw and win a prize.

一連四個星期五JSA網上頻道邀請了香港文華東方酒店星級大廚教你煮番幾味. 睇完片就自己煮, 仲可參加〔疫境自煮〕幸運大抽獎, 豐富禮品等緊你!

Dishes  菜式

7/8 楊州炒飯 Yangzhou Fried Rice 
      (by Chef Wong@MOHKG黃永強總廚  )

14/8 牛油鼠尾草大蝦意大利巴馬火腿蔬菜意粉Butter Sage Prawns Parma Ham Veggie Pasta
        (by Michael Groll - Director of Food & Beverage@MOHKG and 
          Robin Zavou - Executive Chef@MOHKG)

21/8 披薩 Pizza  
        (by Chef Nikolai Muzello@MOHKG and Chef May Ying Lung@MOHKG)

28/8 雲吞湯 Wanton Soup
        (by Michael Groll - Director of Food & Beverage@MOHKG and
          Robin Zavou - Executive Chef@MOHKG)

Cooking Videos Channel 教煮影片頻道
Click here 按此連結

大家睇完片後, 誠邀你参加〔疫境自煮〕幸運大抽獎, 會員只需要跟住大廚教路,煮出任何一款餸菜,拍下你嘅製成品, 由8月7日至9月1日下午12:00期間, 把相片上載 (經由此報名表、電郵 或JSA Whatsapp 6176 5122,  相片需包括參加者的樣貌及製成品), 即可参加幸運抽獎, 有機會贏取豐富禮品 (首50名參加者可獲$20 現金禮劵) ! (每位會員只可參加一次)

After learning the dishes from JSA cooking channel, you are invited to join the 'Cook by myself' Lucky Draw, simply select a dish from the JSA online Cooking Channel, cook it by yourself, take a photo of yourself together with your dish, send it to JSA and then you are eligible to join the lucky draw!  Send us your photo by email to or JSA Whatsapp 6176 5122 from 7 August to 1 September 2020 12:00 pm.  First 50 participants will receive $20 cash coupon. (Each member could only enrol once for the lucky draw.)
Please fill out this form for registration.

Question Title

* 1. Name 姓名

Question Title

* 2. JSA Card No怡和體育會會員號碼

Question Title

* 3. Email電郵 / Phone number聯絡電話

Question Title

* 4. Your dish in jpeg/pdf upload (Successful participant will receive $20 coupon)
餸菜作品相片上傳 (成功遞交參賽作品, 可獲$20 禮劵)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 5. Upload photo via email / whatsapp 經電郵 / Whatsapp上載相片

Question Title

* 6. If you have any questions about the dishes, you can drop down here or whatsapp to JSA 6176 5122,  the chefs are more than happy to answer.
如你在菜式上有任何疑問,你可在此提問或 經JSA whatsapp 6176 5122, 我地會找名廚為你解答.