Please provide the requested information as it applies to you for the past twelve months ending November 30th of the current year. Complete the survey by December 31st.

Question Title

* 1. Your first name:

Question Title

* 2. Your last name:

Question Title

* 3. Your parish of assignment:

If yes, please provide current contact information in the following fields: current phone number and your address. If no, then leave the next two questions blank.

Question Title

* 6. Phone number i.e. 4145551111

Question Title

* 7. Your address:

Question Title

* 8. Your spiritual director's name:


Question Title

* 10. What is the start date of your most recent retreat?


Question Title

* 11. What is the end date of your most recent retreat?


Question Title

* 12. Where did you go for your most recent retreat?

Question Title

* 13. Who was the retreat director/master for your most recent retreat?

Question Title

* 14. Would you recommend this person or persons for other retreats?

Question Title

* 15. Did you attend another retreat this year (if no, skip to question # 21)

Question Title

* 16. What is the start date of your other retreat?


Question Title

* 17. What is the end date of your other retreat?


Question Title

* 18. Where did you go for your other retreat?

Question Title

* 19. Who was the retreat director/master for your other retreat?

Question Title

* 20. Would you recommend this person or persons for other retreats?

Courses, Workshops, Seminars, etc. Please list up to six courses, workshops, or seminars you attended this year.

Question Title

* 21. Please list courses, workshops, or seminars you attended:

Question Title

* 23. Please list courses, workshops, or seminars you attended:

Question Title

* 25. Please list courses, workshops, or seminars you attended:

Question Title

* 27. Please list courses, workshops, or seminars you attended:

Question Title

* 29. Please list courses, workshops, or seminars you attended:

Question Title

* 31. Please list courses, workshops, or seminars you attended:

Future Formation Activities
What types of continuing formation workshops or seminars would you find helpful to your ministry?

Question Title

* 33. Please list formation workshops or seminars you would find helpful:

Reading Materials

Question Title

* 34. Please enter six books or periodicals that you recommend:

Question Title

* 35. List additional books you recommend:

Question Title

* 36. Are there any titles you do NOT recommend? If so, please list them and and why you do not recommend:

Formation Plan

Question Title

* 37. What are your anticipated and desired formational activities for the next 5 years?

Question Title

* 38. Is the yearly reimbursement amount of $1100 for Continuing Formation adequate?

Question Title

* 39. Please enter any additional comments here: