We want to hear from you!

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* 1. What title best describes your role?

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* 2. What type of facility best describes your organization? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. What is the name of your organization?

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* 4. How often do you log on to Connie to utilize any/all of our services?

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* 5. Is Connie a part of your regular workflow?

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* 6. What services have you used within the last 30 days? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. OPTIONAL: If not actively using Connie yet, what services are you looking forward to using in your daily workflow? (Check all that apply)

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* 8. What are the most common reasons you access Connie? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. How easy is Connie to use?

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* 10. Did you receive sufficient training materials on how to use Connie?

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* 11. Have you attended a Connie overview webinar/Demo?

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* 12. Is Connie a helpful tool?

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* 13. Has Connie improved your access to the clinical information that you need for patient care?

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* 14. OPTIONAL: NEED HELP? If you would like additional training or have questions about the portal, please leave your name and best contact information in the comment box and our Clinical Applications Trainer will reach out to you directly

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* 15. OPTIONAL: Is there anything else you'd like to let us know about your experience with Connie, and/or anything you'd like to request for the future of Connie?

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* 16. OPTIONAL: Do you love Connie? Would you be interested in providing a quick testimonial? If so, please leave your full name, job title, organization, phone number and email address in the box below and we will reach out to you.