We want to hear from you!

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* 1. What is your connection with United Way of Hancock County?
(You can select more than one.)

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* 2. Why do you invest in the United Way of Hancock County?
(You can select more than one.)

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* 3. What does the United Way of Hancock County do well in the community?
(You can select more than one.)

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* 4. The list of community priorities below was developed in 2017 as a result of multiple community-wide assessments and surveys.

A priority is a community-wide issue that requires collaboration and pooled resources to ensure solutions can be created and also implemented.

United Way funds programs in the areas of health, education, and financial stability which positively impacts each of the areas below.

From your unique position in our community, rate the priorities in order of importance with one being the highest priority.

  1. Food security
  2. Transportation
  3. Mental Health/Substance Abuse
  4. Housing
  5. Workforce
  6. Literacy
  7. Health
  8. Safety and Abuse

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* 5. Based on the first priority you selected above, why did you choose that priority?

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* 6. Are there any community-wide issues that need to be addressed not listed above? If so list it here and tell us why you feel it is a priority.

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* 7. Re-imagine with us.
What ideas/thoughts do you have to improve our community?

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* 8. In 2020 we re-engaged our volunteer center known as Volunteers United.
Would you be interested in any of the following volunteer opportunities?

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* 9. When you donate,  how do you prefer to be thanked?

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* 10. Do you have any other feedback to share with our organization?

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* 11. This survey is anonymous unless you choose to share your details with us for follow-up from the survey.

Feel free to contact us with questions or concerns directly.
Call 419-423-1432 or email Heather.Heilman@uwhancock.org.

Thank you for participating!