Thank you for helping with this Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) survey on community readiness to address substance misuse, mental health, and problem gambling. The information collected in the past has generated community readiness profiles for the state and its sub-regions. The data will be utilized for planning, and to garner funding and resources at the state and local levels. Your RBHAO or local prevention coalition has recommended you as a key individual with knowledge of local perceptions regarding substance misuse and problem gambling prevention and mental health promotion. The Connecticut Clearinghouse is conducting the web-based survey for DMHAS. The survey is anonymous and confidential. DMHAS will not know how you responded individually since results will only be provided in summary.

Should you have difficulty in responding, please contact Agnes Skowron at 1(800) 232-4424 or 

Thank you in advance for your time and participation.