Question Title

* 1. What is your role in the District?

Question Title

* 2. At your current building, which area do you believe is MOST in need of greater financial support? Select one response.

Question Title

* 3. At your current building, which area do you believe is LEAST in need of greater financial support? Select one response.

Question Title

* 4. I believe parents get enough guidance from Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) so they can help their children learn to read.

Question Title

* 5. I believe teachers receive enough support and professional development to ensure student success.

Question Title

* 6. For any of these academic supports your school provides, how much do you believe each support has improved student learning?

  N/A (school does not provide) No improvement A little improvement A lot of improvement
Tutoring before and after school
Tutoring during the school day
Support staff for K-2 teachers (Specialized Educational Assistants)
Academic intervention
Summer Learning Academy
Attendance Liaison
Family Engagement Specialist
Instructional Coach
Behavior Specialist
Reset Room Assistants
Multilingual Learners