Thank you for sharing your insights and input on the Commitment Continuum™! Your responses will contribute to the development of my new Commitment Continuum™ System. If you would like to be entered into a drawing for a free copy of the system, be sure to list your name and email address at the end of the survey.

Please answer the questions below keeping in mind the following description of Commitment Continuum™ categories:

RESISTANT - athlete resists the direction of the program and actively works against it, disagrees with team rules and standards and openly opposes them, stubborn and uncoachable

RELUCTANT - athlete questions the direction of the program, skeptical, hesitant and holds back full effort

EXISTENT - athlete floats, seems like they have checked out, there in body but not in mind and spirit, apathetic, contributes little more than their physical presence

COMPLIANT - athlete obediently does what is asked but not much more, does just enough to get by, motivated when directed by others but not very self-motivated

COMMITTED - athlete is highly bought into the program and willingly does extra, understands the vision of the program and supports it, self-motivated, heart is into it

COMPELLED - athlete is fully bought into the program, on a mission to do something special, undeterred by obstacles, consistently holds self AND teammates accountable to a high standard

OBSESSED - athlete goes overboard and is consumed with success, overtrains, fails to connect with teammates, tends to be more concerned with individual success than team success

Question Title

* 1. At what level do you compete/coach?

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* 2. I am a:

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* 3. During your MOST SUCCESSFUL SEASON, what percentage of your team was in each level of the Commitment Continuum? (List the % from 0-100 for each level. For example, Resistant 10%, Reluctant 20%, Existent 20%, Compliant 20%, Committed 20%, Compelled 10%, Obsessed 0%. Be sure your total equals 100%.)

Question Title

* 4. During your LEAST SUCCESSFUL SEASON, what percentage of your team was in each level of the Commitment Continuum? (List the % from 0-100 for each level. For example, Resistant 10%, Reluctant 20%, Existent 20%, Compliant 20%, Committed 20%, Compelled 10%, Obsessed 0%. Be sure your total equals 100%.)

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* 5. What is a REALISTIC LEVEL of commitment to expect from your team? What percentage of athletes would you realistically expect to see in each level of the Commitment Continuum? (List the % from 0-100 for each level. Be sure your total equals 100%.)

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* 6. During your MOST RECENT SEASON, what percentage of your team was in each level of the Commitment Continuum? (List the % from 0-100 for each level. Be sure your total equals 100%.)

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* 7. What percentage of your games did you win during your MOST RECENT SEASON that you rated the commitment levels of in the previous question?

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* 8. What are the biggest reasons why you think some athletes struggle with commitment and why they might be RESISTANT or RELUCTANT? Rate the reasons below as to how much they impact an athlete’s lack of commitment.

  No Impact Minor Impact Moderate Impact Strong Impact Significant Impact
goal or activity lacks important, relevance or value
athlete doesn’t fully understand what commitment really means
athlete lacks clear goals and priorities
athlete lacks confidence or hope
athlete feels that what they do doesn’t matter
athlete doesn’t feel fully appreciated
athlete doesn’t feel that things are fair for them
athlete perceives that the demands of commitment outweigh rewards
athlete thinks they can get by on talent alone
athlete has lost respect for their teammates or coaches
athlete doesn’t believe in the plan or strategy
athlete doesn’t like their role
athlete doesn’t feel adequately rewarded for their efforts
team's rewards and punishments are misaligned with commitment
athlete is not held accountable
athlete is lazy and has poor work habits
athlete is a jerk and has bad attitude
athlete is struggling with some personal issues

Question Title

* 9. What are the biggest reasons why you think some athletes are highly COMMITTED and even COMPELLED? Rate the reasons below as to how much they impact an athlete’s commitment level.

  No Impact Minor Impact Moderate Impact Strong Impact Significant Impact
athlete loves and is passionate about their sport
athlete feels a sense of purpose for what they do
athlete loves challenges and competition
athlete plays with something to prove
athlete takes pride in who they are and who they represent
athlete respects and reveres teammates and/or coaches
athlete wants to leave a lasting legacy
athlete feels a sense of urgency because graduation/retirement is near

Question Title

* 10. Optional: If you would like to be entered into our drawing for a FREE Commitment Continuum™ System program, please list your name and email address in this box. If you are selected, the System will be sent to you in the fall once it is published.